My early days in the pastorate were guided by the tutelage of my then Pastor and Grandfather, the Reverend Willie Jenkins, Jr. Upon the culmination of my training and just before he released me to my first charge in Oakland, my grandfather’s commissioning words were, “You now know where the landmark is. And you understand how to talk to the old and how to talk to the young and bring them together. So, go now and serve the Lord.”
Those few short years invested by my Pastor’s side, coupled with the wisdom garnered therein, have not only fueled the past twenty-five years of life and ministry for me, but also that of dozens of other pastors I have shepherded. For young pastors in the early days of ministry, guidance and training from wiser, more seasoned leaders is the essential foundation upon which fruitful ministry is built, and, as we survey the current ministry landscape in America, maybe now more than ever, its importance cannot be overstated.
For young leaders to make it in ministry today, life-on-life mentorship is not just essential…
It is everything.
Pastor Ricky Jenkins
Southwest Church Indian Wells, CA